About New England Pine Straw Mulch
Welcome to Our Factory
Two family owned and operated businesses focusing on renewable resources align to promote and expand longleaf pine straw mulch in New England.
New England Pine Straw Mulch (the sister company of our flagship enterprise, Mid-Atlantic Pine Straw Mulch) is a small, woman-owned, family-operated business located in Pennsylvania with ties to both New England and the Southeastern US. We are staffed by subject matter experts (re: longleaf pine straw) and provide our customers with premium longleaf pine straw mulch which is natural, renewable and sustainable. Our team is educated, honest, reliable, and communicative.
Although not new to us, we are excited to share with others about our partnership with Jordan Dairy Farms, a 5th generation farming family in Rutland, MA. As the price of milk continues to decline, farmers are looking to diversify their operations. Jordan Dairy Farms now stocks longleaf pine straw year-round. How did Jordan Dairy Farms learn about Pine Straw Mulch, you might wonder? Brian Jordan and my husband met while studying at the agricultural school, Delaware Valley University in Pennsylvania and have stayed in close contact over the last twenty plus years, sharing business ideas and market insights. When Brian and his brother, Randy who run the farm hand-in-hand, mentioned that Jordan Dairy was looking for new enterprises, my husband mentioned he should consider stocking pine straw. We connected over a phone call and it was decided that the Jordans would be our master distributor for New England Pine Straw Mulch.
The well-known and beloved Jordan Dairy Farms, Inc is located in rural Rutland, MA which is the geographic center of Massachusetts. Its situated on scenic property, adjacent to Muschopauge Pond, with a view of the Boston skyline 60 miles to the East and Mt. Wachusett to the North.
Jordan Dairy Farms is run by brothers Randy and Brian Jordan and their families. Jordan Dairy Farms, Inc is home to 800 head of Holstein cows of which 300 are milked three times per day. They utilize 950 acres of fields that are planted with corn and hay. Additionally, they also raise over 2,000 double breasted white turkeys for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Jordan Dairy Farms is committed to sustaining the farms for future generations. Jordan Dairy Farms was the first farm in New England to host an anaerobic digester in 2011. More than 20,000 tons of food waste annually from food processors is combined with more than 9,000 tons of manure a year from the farm into the digestion tank. The digester at Jordan Farm currently produces enough power to run and heat the farming operation as well as power an additional 300 homes.
The Jordans recently added a second Vanguard Renewables Farm Powered Anaerobic Digester at the Jordan Dairy Farms Heifer Facility in Spencer, Massachusetts. With the addition of the Spencer location, the Jordans are now the first New England farm family to host two farm-powered Anaerobic Digesters.
Our companies share the steadfast commitment to sustainability and renewable resourcing.
New England Pine Straw Mulch began with a predecessor company that was launched in 2007 while we were living in Charlotte, North Carolina. We have expanded pine straw mulch access to the Mid-Atlantic, New England and Mid-West regions. Our initiative includes educating customers about the many benefits of pine straw mulch and why it is an ideal mulch, often known as the “gold standard” for all parts of the US.
Our company services the US and Canada and is able to provide pine straw mulch in areas where pine straw mulch has historically been unavailable or not easily accessed. We are committed to sourcing a product that is natural, renewable, and sustainable without sacrificing environmental integrity.

Mid-Atlantic Pine Straw Mulch Inc / New England Pine Straw Mulch Inc